—By Tim Keesee
The going, growing, global work of missions has always been done as a team effort. That is evident throughout the book of Acts as well as in Paul’s letters. But even in modern times, effective pioneer missionaries are not lone rangers. If the work is sustainable, it is done through the Spirit and with the support of a team.
A key part of Frontline’s team is our Board of Directors. Unlike some boards I’ve heard of and had experience with, Frontline has a strong, Spirit-filled and Spirit-gifted team who bring an array of talents and Gospel passion for “advancing the Gospel in the world’s difficult places.”
Our board meetings, while including all the necessary planning and financial discussions, are really more of a celebration than an obligation as we get to show and tell of the power of the Gospel and the glories of our King!
Let me introduce you to our current board members with a picture taken at our recent meeting. All of our board members are pictured except Craig Baxter, a pastor in Melbourne, Australia, who was unable to attend the meeting.
Front row (left to right): Bert Arrowood (Chairman), Steve Leatherwood (Treasurer), Tim Keesee (Vice Chairman), Vicki Peek (Secretary)
Back row: Kevin Cathey, Al Carper, Rick Altizer, Sam Horn, John Hutcheson
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